A Journey to Pain Relief: Jane’s Experience with Dry Needling

dry needling case study/story
Dry Needling Performing on Neck Muscle Trigger Points

Jane is an example patient that needed dry needling – here’s her story.*

Jane walked into Foundation Physical Therapy, feeling a mix of hope and apprehension. The clinic, located in the heart of Greenville, SC, was bright and welcoming. Soft music played in the background, and the receptionist greeted her with a warm smile. Jane had been dealing with persistent neck and shoulder pain, and today she was scheduled for her first dry needling session to target the upper trapezius and levator scapula insertion at the angle of her shoulder blade.

Preparing for the Best Dry Needling in Greenville SC

Jane was guided to a treatment room by her physical therapist, Dr. Jackson, who explained the dry needling process. Dr. Jackson had years of experience and a calm, reassuring demeanor. He explained that dry needling would involve inserting thin needles into specific trigger points in her muscles to relieve tension and pain.

The Dry Needling Procedure

Dr. Jackson began by asking Jane to sit comfortably and exposing the area to be treated. He sanitized his hands and put on gloves, ensuring a sterile environment. He then showed Jane the needles, which were much thinner than the hypodermic needles used for injections. These needles, used only once and then disposed of, were designed specifically for dry needling.

Experiencing Dry Needling in Greenville

To locate the trigger points, Dr. Jackson palpated the muscles around Jane’s neck and shoulder. He explained that these trigger points were tight bands of muscle that could cause pain and limit movement. Once he identified the points, he carefully inserted the needles. Jane felt a slight prick followed by a twitch response in the muscle. Dr. Jackson explained that this twitch was a good sign—it meant the needle had hit the right spot, and the muscle was responding to the treatment.

Immediate and Post-Treatment Effects

The sensation was unusual but not painful. Jane felt some pressure and a bit of an ache as the needles did their work. Dr. Jackson monitored her closely, adjusting the needles as needed and ensuring she was comfortable throughout the process. The entire needling part of the session lasted about 15 minutes.

After removing the needles, Dr. Jackson gently massaged the treated area to help relax the muscles. He then guided Jane through some light stretches to further alleviate any remaining tension. He explained that she might feel sore in the treated area, similar to the feeling after a good workout, but this would subside within a day or two.

The Best Dry Needling Results in Greenville SC

Jane left the clinic feeling a mix of immediate relief and curiosity about the next few days. Dr. Jackson had given her instructions to drink plenty of water, avoid strenuous activities, and apply a warm compress if needed. He also scheduled a follow-up session to assess her progress and continue the treatment.

Over the next few days, Jane noticed a significant reduction in her neck and shoulder pain. The initial soreness faded, and she felt a new sense of mobility and ease in her movements. The treatment had not only addressed her pain but also improved her overall function and well-being.

A Positive Experience with Dry Needling in Greenville

Her experience at Foundation Physical Therapy had been positive from start to finish. The professional environment, combined with Dr. Jackson’s expertise and care, made Jane feel confident in the dry needling process. She looked forward to her follow-up sessions, hopeful for continued improvement and lasting relief.

In conclusion, Jane’s journey with dry needling at Foundation Physical Therapy was a testament to the effectiveness of this treatment. From the welcoming clinic environment to the careful and skilled application of dry needling by Dr. Jackson, Jane’s experience highlights how this therapy can be a valuable tool in managing and overcoming musculoskeletal pain. If you’re looking for the best dry needling in Greenville SC, Foundation Physical Therapy is here to help you find relief and improve your quality of life.

Helpful Links: Dry Needling FAQs | Greenville Dry Needling at Foundation Physical Therapy

*Jane is not a real patient. This story is meant to describe the experience a patient might go through when they receive dry needling treatment in Greenville at Foundation Physical Therapy.